Trust Administration is the process of administering, distributing, and reallocating the assets of a trust after the death of a trustee. The person selected to manage the Trust is called the Trustee; when the Trustee is either incapacitated, unwilling to continue as Trustee, or passes away, the Successor Trustee assumes this responsibility. A Trust Administration is the process of managing and allocating the assets of the Trust once the original Trustee has passed away. Handling the Trust Administration with an expert ensures that the provisions laid out in the Trust are honored, and the assets are properly distributed to those who should receive them. If a form or a critical date is missed, your beneficiaries may not receive your assets in the manner you specified.
Estate Planning and the governing law are complex. That is why it is very important for you to work with a professional who understands your needs and your family’s situation. When estate plans are not well executed, families often have to contact an experienced attorney to sort things out. The price of creating a carefully planned estate is much lower than the cost of cleaning up mistakes caused by poorly drafted Trust documents, and poorly organized Trusts. Taking care of your estate planning now will allow you to relax and enjoy your retirement instead of worrying about whether you’ve properly handled this important aspect of your life.
Grace St. Clair is an expert in these areas and is here to help. Call Grace today at (310) 374-5479 or use the Contact page to take the next steps toward peace of mind and get your plan in place.